I think that writing this novel is a lot different than writing Demon Soul or Attic Mirror, I am just following Seti all the time giving few space to other characters and still developing them mostly according to their relation to Seti. I'm also using a lot of flashback, that give an other dimension to the story. It is a really different vision of writing and I thing I have still a lot to explore in this matter. I'm getting more attached to Seti than to other characters ever before, probably because I'm spending so much time with him, I want to write all the time.
For the moment I'm writing a part that wasn't really planed but I will reach the planed part again really soon and I know that one is going to make me cry. Just thinking about it already did.
So far 21356 words, I'm right on track.
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hi .. how are you I have not ever met you but what you've written I think good for all and useful to humans in this world go on thanks