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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Amigurumi: Ninja Turtle

As I am on holidays until the 5th, I have been crocheting quite a bit. Here is the last one, my ninja turtle Leonardo. I got really depressed on the 30th because I run out of green (and brown) at 4am and I couldn't get any before 10am, talk about insomiac craziness (actually I sleep during the day totally jet lagged for no reasons)
The patterns are available from the Amigurumi doll comiunity facebook group (in Italian). The main advantage of the pattern is that it requires very little sewing as the head, body, legs and toes are made in one piece. That was very convenient, as I always find the sewing to be the hardest part on making amigurumis
Here is my turtle. I might make the other three later, I'm not sure yet.

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